Thursday, November 6, 2014

Gatsby Coffee House

So after a stressful week at school I decided to take a little break and go have coffee with one of my friends Miranda who was so sweet to take these pictures for me! We went and had some Lattes at Gatsby Coffee House and I must say I was obsessed! It is a cute little coffee shop in Cactus Alley which is such a gem for Lubbock. I think I am going to make it my new study spot I love how cozy it is!! For my outfit I went for a simple look I brought out the riding boots today I am looking forward to this colder weather so I can bring out some of my fav winter wardrobe pieces. I advise every girl to invest in a good pair of boots they are so versatile, you can dress them down with leggings and a long sleeve or go for a preppy look with a puffer vest and flannel and your set! Anyways hope everyone stays warm and cozy as winter approaches!


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