Tuesday, January 20, 2015

DIY Bar Cart

Ikea Bar Cart (Here)

So over winter break I had some time on my hands and had come across this DIY bar cart! I was literally obssessed and knew I had to have it! So I went to ikea and picked up this utility cart and some other stuff for Mr. J and I's future home. It was super easy basically all you need is to purchase this $30 utility cart and some gold foil spray paint. Before assembleing spray paint all the parts including the screws I did two coats and waited about 30 mins in between each coat. I let it dry for about 3 hrs before I started assembling. Of course ikea does not have the best instructions but if I can put it together so can you! I love how it turned out, right now its serving as a book cart for my office but once schools over I plan to put this little gem in my dining room in my future home with a plan of stocking it up for future dinner parties. Speaking of books I recently picked up Jessica Alba's new book about living a "Honest Life", this book is great it includes some awesome healthy food options and labels to look out for in your food and products. It is about being an aware consumer and focuses on what you are putting in and on your body! Overall it's such a good read I definitely recommend it! As my New Year's resolution I am wanting to live a healthier lifestyle so this is a great read!


  1. Your bar cart looks so cute!! Love the DIY girl!

    xo Jen
    Skirt The Rules

    1. Thank you so much! I plan to have more DIYs to come!!! :)
      p.s. love your blog!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much it was super easy to do once you get the hang of ikea instructions!
